Friday 26 July 2013

I Heart Summer Tag!

Greetings one and all...
So as the weather warms up and we all start jetting off for our holidays I thought this tag would be rather appropriate.
Check out all my faves I'll be wearing this summer!

1. Nail polish:
 As pathetic as this sounds I could probably count my nail varnish collection on all but one hand, shocking I know.  But one of my favourite nail vanish brands has to be Essie, a summer favourite of mine is the coral colour known as 'cute as a button' a perfect shade to compliment those sophisticated tan sandals.  Another one shortly added to my pathetic excuse of a is the hyped up but the most perfect shade 'Fiji' versatile and can be worn with almost any outfit 'Fiji' is definitely a must have.
2. Lip colour:

Whilst lazing around the pool or trecking it to the beach a favourite of mine to be worn is the raspberry lip balm from The Body Shop, simple and easy to wear but perfect to keep your puckers hydrated whilst being drenched in warm sunny rays.

3. Dress:

Recently seen on the gorgeous Miranda Kerr, this dress has to be my favourite in my collection.  A high street buy and a quick sell out,  I am so glad I got my hands on this beauty.


A bit of a splurge I must admit but earlier in the year I 'invested' in my beautiful Rayban Wayfarers and have never looked back since.

Trends this summer:

Not really one to sport an up-to-date trends I often wear simple styles that are timeless pieces.  However my summer taples included those of the playsuit/dress attire.

Summer scents:

Marc Jacobs Daisy is just beautful and I wear it throughout the year but a scent that I just can't get enough of in summer is a coconut body butter/ lotion ensemble which just oozes holiday.

Weather at home:

England has had a very warm welcomed, long awaited heat wave which sees temperatures soar to the late 20s which I am just loving!

Loves for summer:

Holidays are just a must for summer which usually involves a camping trip to France. Lazing by the pool or swimming in the sea is an ultimate favourite of mine.

Summer holidays:

Jetting off in just 7 days time or lets say boating to the South of France. The trip is a long awaited camping trip with my Dad and Twin Sister where we'll be consuming a fair few croissants and baguettes as well as venturing into the Frenchy World on our bikes.

Have a fantastic time whatever you're up to this summer and remember to wear it with style!


Monday 22 July 2013

10 Fabulous Facts About Me!

As a debut post to my first ever blog I thought it would be appropriate to do a 10 facts about me as a way of getting to know me, kind I know!
So lets get things started with numero uno...

1.  I love things all beauty and fashion related and doesn't my bank account know it, from the latest skin care product to a foamy pair of Hollister Navy Flip Flops I'm all over it.

2. An ambition of mine it to become a Fashion/Showbiz journalist.

3. I am a twin.  I have a twin sister named Stephanie who is also a beauty/fashion junkie.

4. I love love love baking! I bake most weekends with my twinny from cakes to breads, I  just love it. (Stuffs a piece of cake in mouth)

5. *Holds head up high* I am proud to admit that I am a fangirl, for The Wanted inparticular.  I even pretend that Nathan Sykes is my boyf, cool I know.

6.  I love going on holiday, my favourite 'vacation' is the camping sort and in the sunny regious of Southern France, I just can't get enough of the croissant action.

7. I am a perfectionist, I make sure everything is neat and tidy and won't be satisfied if a cupcake doesn't look pretty or a certain sister of mine hasn't made her bed (which is unfortunately of regular occurence.)

8.  When I was little we had a cutie wutie doggy woggy called Pippon and I just adored her.

9. When I'm older I am of course going to relocate from a grim North East England to the busy Capital of London.

10.  Finally, although I am a terrrible driver my dream car is a BMW Beatle Convertible, oh yeah baby!